Event: Handling Climate Data
location_on VUB (Online)March 30, 2021, 10 a.m. - March 30, 2021, noon
Climate data is generally shared as netcdf files as it is the standard format in the field, this type of data is generally handled well using a bash terminal, in this training you will learn to use basix unix and cdo commands within a bash terminal to manipulate climate data. Afterwards you will be shown how to easily visualise these data using the ncview software.
In this training data from a regional climate model simulations over Africa within the framework of the CORDEX (https://cordex.org/) project will be used. We will do some basic mathematical calculations such as calculating mean climate over different periods. The training will also include a hands on part where we will analyse climate change signals over a subregion of the African continent.
Important!! Requirements for participating in training!!
To participate in this training you will need access to a bash terminal with cdo and ncview installed.
From a linux or mac pc you normally have access to a terminal so you just need to ensure that the cdo (https://www.isimip.org/protocol/preparing-simulation-files/cdo-help/ ) and ncview (http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/ncview_home_page.html ) softwares are installed on your system.
From a windows pc you can do this or by having access to a hpc cluster through specific softwares (e.g. https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/) or alternatively you can use the in house linux terminal (https://www.howtogeek.com/249966/how-to-install-and-use-the-linux-bash-shell-on-windows-10/ ) in any case be sure to check that cdo (https://www.isimip.org/protocol/preparing-simulation-files/cdo-help/) and ncview (http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/ncview_home_page.html) are installed on your system.
This Event Furthers COST Action CA19139 Process-based models for climate impact attribution across sectors (PROCLIAS).